Tuesday, May 25, 2010

30-Day Compliment Fest

Okay, we are now moving on to the next 30-Day Challenge! Mark Twain once said, "I could live for two months off a good compliment" and I think he was right on the money. As I think about the times when I have received an unexpected compliment, they have really stuck with me for a long time. So my new project is working on giving compliments. Genuinely. In my life I find that I think compliments all the time, but rarely do I speak them. So this 30-Day Challenge is all about learning to talk and saying the kind words I am thinking. But to clarify, it is not about making up fake things to say or going back in time and making amends with people, but more about saying the things that I am genuinely feeling in the moment. So watch out, I might just be thinking something kind about you! Actually, I do all the time, but this time you might just find out about it :)

P.S. Technically I am doing two challenges at once, but only really blogging about one. I am doing thirty days of ab workouts now, just as I did 30 days of working out my arms- but that gets pretty old and boring for eveyone else, so I won't really mention it again...


  1. I sure hope you are better at this than me. I have learned to just shut my mouth because for some stupid reason the words come out all wrong and it turns into an awkward moment or I just insult the person. Ok, not all the time, but enough that I have tried really hard to learn restraint.

    Oh and spread the love. I know some people down there by you who deserve all thirty days with every compliment going straight to them. I'm sure you can think of a few people that applies to in your immediate reach. :)

  2. I remember that you were determined to get a 6-pack when we were roommates...and I think you did..with the help of the Will Smith poster that hung over your bed. Maybe you should pull that out for the next 30 days. ;)
