Saturday, April 10, 2010

My next 30 Day Challenge X 2

So I think I have shifted my thinking. Instead of focusing on another 30 totally new experiences, this year will mostly be about 30-days-long projects. A few weeks ago I finished '30 home projects in 30 days' (as well as simultaneously 'Writing 30 poems in 30 days'), so it is now time to move on to the next challenge. I am choosing to do 2 at the same time, seeing as how they are both not something I am necessarily going to blog about all the time, but can easily do simultaneously. Drum roll, please:

Project #1- Write Elder Sweeney a postcard, every day for 30 days

Jacob's brother, Sean, is in the home stretch of his mission to Pennsylvania. I have been slacking lately on writing to him. Okay, okay, slacking actually means "horribly non-existent" in this case. So to make up for my lame correspondence over the past few months, postcards will be raining down from the heavens! Of course, since no mail on Sundays, two will go out on Mondays. Bonus! I figure I can tell him a really tricky riddle on postcard 1, then tell him the answer on postcard 2. (No worries, you can try to solve it too!) Or I can always stick to my usual task of challenging him to use whatever phrase or saying might be on the front of the postcard in his next door approach. "Lobster Shanty" was definitely my best work thus far. I never did follow up with him on how that went...

Project #2- Work out my arms, every day for 30 days

For whatever reason my arms feel giant and flabby to me right now. And since having arms with at least a little definition and tone in them has been a goal of mine forever, there's no time like the present, right? So I am going to make sure that I do some sort of arm sculpting/push-up/8-minute arm routine every day for 30 days and see just what kind of a difference it might make. Oh, I could look up some ridiculous arm workout program on the Internet, I suppose, but I want to see if just your average Jane can get results without having to be some sort of bicep maniac genius. Plus then I can finally write that book, "Arm sculpting for Dummies, by a Big Dummy." Pictures might come at the end, depending on results. Actually, there will definitely be some kind of pictures, just not sure of who or what. How's that for a carrot on a string, huh people?


  1. As for the arms, how will we know anything changed without a before picture? ;-D
    Side by side at the end and they you can see some difference. You can even go the step further and measure around before and then after to see if you lost any amount. Good Luck!!

  2. Drum roll please.....


    Dang. I love a good Hey-Lamar quote. And even more.. I love a good excuse for posting a good Hey-Lamar quote! Thanks, Sport!
