Sunday, April 18, 2010

Did you know?

That Luke LOVES Ritz Crackerfuls? I have been getting them really cheap because of the store sales and coupons and he literally eats one of these for breakfast every single morning. It is the first thing he says to me when he wakes up- "Mom, can I have one of those long crackers?" And that is even before he is fully conscious or his eyes have adjusted to the light. I blame it mostly on the fact that they sit at the top of the food storage closet in his room, which is the last thing he sees at night and the first thing he sees in the morning. I am just so darn proud it's not gummy snacks. Sniffle, sniffle! It brings a tear of joy to my little eye...

1 comment:

  1. The thumbs up is way cute. Addison is into that, and when she is way into what ever she is doing it for she goes for doubles!
