Monday, April 26, 2010

A Cindy Quickie

Last night the kids were sitting at the table waiting for me to bring them each a brownie. It happened to be raining cats and dogs at the time and Jacob walked past the table with a mop in his hand- a mop he was going to use to go prop up part of our weakling gutters in the backyard. As soon as Cindy saw Dad with the mop, she was very interested in what he was doing and helping out. "What is that for?!" Cindy asked with amazement. Jacob replied, "It doesn't matter. You just worry about your brownie." Then with a totally puzzled look on her face she said, "It's a brownie, what's there to worry about?"

1 comment:

  1. I hope I never have to worry about my brownies. *giggle* If only we could really see the world through a child's eye. Thanks for keeping us looking in the right direction, Jessica (and Cindy).
