Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why I haven't been blogging much this week....

Since it is Spring Break and Jacob and Cindy both have the week off, we have been tackling a huge home project for the past three days and that is to finally get our dang paver walkway finished! We toiled and labored and it looks FABULOUS. I could not be happier :) Or more sore. My body aches absolutely all over. I pretty much carried almost every single one of those bricks to its resting place. Not fun. Not to mention that in the process I also uncovered about 50 lizard skeletons, a huge roach compound and a very long snake. But it was worth it :) And the coolest part is that we had exactly the right amount of rectangle bricks. Seriously, we were within ONE. Amazing!

P.S. Cindy's Birthday Pics coming soon!!