Monday, February 8, 2010

50 Things I Love

In honor of February and all things lovey-dovey, I give you: 50 Things I Love

1. Scalding hot showers when it is really cold in my house
2. Crockpot liner bags
3. Lightly salted potato chips
4. Daydreaming about landscaping my backyard
5. Video of kittens wrestling
6. When my kids laugh hysterically at each other in the back seat of the car
7. The episode of Spongebob where he utters the line "Squidward's such a jerk..."
8. McGriddles
9. Using my KitchenAid Stand Mixer to mix egg whites
10. How Rosa looks when she yawns- HILARIOUS!
11. Having someone else rake the leaves in my yard
12. Chapstick
13. Any story about Diavo (my parent's cat)
14. All the impersonations done by Rush Limbaugh (of Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, Andrea Mitchell,....)
15. Sitting down to dinner on Fast Sunday
16. Getting to leave the doors and windows open on a nice, cool day
17. Sunless tanning lotion
18. Going to the fabric store
19. Take 5 candy bars
20. Reading in bed
21. Movie music
23. Watching my mom get scared at the sound of everything (doorbell, ringtone, car horn, sneeze, doorbell, pin dropping, etc.)
24. Using a coupon with a gift card
25. Accidently taking a nap
26. Staying up late to blog after everyone else has gone to bed
27. Being done with exercising by 8am
28. When Luke says, "Hey, no fair!"
29. Being married to Jacob
30. The lines in the grass when you mow your yard
31. Pita chips
32. My leaf blower
33. Driving on a full tank of gas
34. When my giant cowlick works for me and not against
35. Those few hours when all the laundry in the entire house is completely done
36. Getting a compliment from a complete stranger
37. Getting a compliment from your husband :)
38. Buying LARGE eggs for 99 cents a dozen at Walgreens (such a good deal!)
39. Checking out children's books from the Library
40. Sitting in front of someone at church who sings really good alto (so you can harmonize)
41. When the humidity is so low you can straighten your hair and it stays that way (even at the roots)
42. Going to a restaurant and realizing that you just beat a huge rush of people
43. Kenneth the NBC Page on '30 Rock'
44. Ordering from Scholastic Book Club
45. The fruit stand on South Florida Ave.
46. New Special K Granola cereal- OH! So yummy :)
47. Word/letter games
48. Going to the beach and never getting in the water
49. My current pillow
50. Having a church calling in Young Women's


  1. Very cool list (ps--your mom must be really scared of doorbells!!!). :)

  2. We should visit sometime and sit behind you in church. Zeke is a really good baritone and I sing alto. When our kids let us sing that is....

    Don't worry, I always am thinking/dreaming of how I can visit Florida. ;-P
