Friday, January 22, 2010

A Hilarious Cindy Quickie

(As opposed to the regular non-hilarious Cindy quickies I post on here, right?)

Anyway, last night Cindy had to do her homework. It was a fill-in-the-blank worksheet about Martin Luther King, Jr. Here is how she filled it out: (these are her exact words she wrote down)

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was: "that everyone would get along."

My dream is: "to be a Mermaid."

In my dream, everyone would: "be a mermaid with me."

Something I can do now to make my dream come true is: "learn to swim."

Sorry, but if you ask a 5 year-old what their "dream" is, what do you expect them to say, I mean, really? Besides, I can vouch wholeheartedly that this really is, indeed, her dream. I hear about it all the time :)


  1. heeheee haha...ok we will heat the pool!

  2. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Tell Cindy how cute she is for me :)
