Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Let's see, if your New Year's went anything like mine, you spent last night eating some leftover steak, lighting off a few boxes of sparklers, having an indoor dance party (complete with swirling DJ lights), watching the ball drop, kissing Jacob at midnight, and then falling into bed at about 2am. Actually, I don't think yours was exactly like mine, because you kissing Jacob would be just plain awkward. But, as Jacob and I watched the ball drop in Times Square last night, we just couldn't come to grips with the fact that it really is 2010. This was never supposed to happen! We were NEVER supposed to be this old! But time marches on and there is not a dang thing you can do about it. I guess the only thing to be done is to enjoy your time more fully and just be grateful to get another year. A lot of people turn nostalgic at the end of the year- we look back at all the things that happened in the world of news, entertainment, politics, etc. And even more so when the decade changes over. I know, I know. Technically speaking, it really isn't the change of the decade until the end of 2010. I get it. But I decided to look back at the last ten years or so of my life and assess just what the heck I did with all my time. I was going to record me singing this song, but I didn't have the voice. Or the needed access to the computer sound system, what with our total addiction to Xbox around here lately... So sing it in your mind :) Anyway, viewing it in full screen mode is optimal. And since I am a true Bingham, there are a few surprises in there.

So without further ado....


  1. Awesome! I especially love the wiener mobile, I wish right?

  2. A U of U hat? I'm offended! :)
