Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm on the edge of my seat!

It is Friday night. Last night was Cindy's first official soccer practice. (We signed her up to play in a small, 3 v. 3 under 6 league in Bartow.) She was wearing her pink skirt, new pink cleats, flower shirt and shinguards. You know, normal soccer practice attire. Tomorrow is her first official game. And would you believe that Cindy is absolutely and horribly worried about the game tomorrow? And do you know why? Because she is nervous about how to play, maybe? Worried that she won't be any good? Nope, she is worried that she won't be allowed to play in a skirt. Yup, this is my daughter. This is my life. She was literally crying the whole way home from school today at the mere thought of having to wear shorts. So I am anxiously awaiting to see which Cindy shows up tomorrow. The one that will bawl her eyes out because she is forced to make an unacceptable fashion statement or the one that just gets over it and accepts defeat. Any bets? This is going to be a very long season.....


  1. Oh my gosh!!! You seriously have a princess don't you? I don't know if they police the short vs. skirt issue....good luck with that one. :)

  2. Oh, this sounds SO farmiliar. Girls are special, aren't they?
