Thursday, July 16, 2009

Only In Florida

I just wanted to document the fact that I finally came upon an alligator on the path where I was biking today. Just like crashing my bike, I figured this experience was inevitable and sure enough, it happened this afternoon! And it was a much better experience than wiping out, I must say. He was about 3 or 4 feet long and I almost got a picture of him on my phone, but at the last minute, he unfroze from his reptile-in-transit pose and scampered back into the grass by the bridge. He also completely broke my momentum on the bike while going uphill, but it was worth it. I am going to have bike that route more often until our paths cross once more and I can put his picture on this blog. I'll get you, Gadget!! (I was saying that in my most menacing Dr. Claw voice...)

This is NOT the actual gator, but this is pretty close to about how big he was- although my guy was a little chunkier. He was nice and stripey, though. And I like this photo because true Irony is a man wearing Crocs and holding one at the same time.

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