Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Am I talking about the anniversary of the founding of our country? My wedding anniversary? The anniversary of the invention of the margarita? (July 4, 1942. Yes, really) No. I am talking about the fact that today marks exactly 10 YEARS since the very day that I met Jacob. TEN YEARS. Seriously, I can't believe that much time has gone by. We met at the ward pancake breakfast on July 3, 1999 at the Lakeland chapel. Jacob had been home from his mission to Pocatello, Idaho for just a week or so and he knew nobody there since his family moved to Lakeland 4 weeks before he left on his mission. I was pretty much his only option as far as anyone to hang out with or even someone to show him around his new summer home. So we hung out, played soccer, worked together in Orlando, went back out to Utah for school together- me at BYU, Jacob at LDSBC- and the rest is pretty much history. I can't imagine my life without Jacob. He is such a good husband, dad, provider, and friend. And he looks just as young and cute as the day I met him :) Here's to ten more years!

(and can my window be any more smudged? Great Caesar's ghost, I need some Windex!)

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