Friday, June 19, 2009

Freaking out....a little

I'm not gonna lie, my last triathlon in October totally scared me to death. I had no prior experience to prepare me for such a thing and I didn't know what to expect at all. So this time around I thought I would be way more calm about the whole thing, but I am still really nervous! Wednesday night's dream had me walking the run part of the race and we were all carrying gigantic camping backpacks, complete with rolled up sleeping bags and dangling canteens- but, I digress.... Anyway, I just spoke with my soon-to-be sister-in-law and triathete extraordinaire and she says I can just wear my real biking shorts the whole time. Suh-weet! No horrible mismatched hodge-podge clothing for me! Because as we all know, how we look while doing this is the most important part. Ha! I will most definitely put the results on here by Sunday and then come Monday morning I am off to Young Women's camp for 6 days! But alas, never fear! I got your back. Through the magic of Blogger's "Post Options" feature, it will be as if I never left! So check back in often (your regular 4 times a day is just fine) and I will have just as much earth-shattering, crucial blog fodder as normal. I gotta go pump up some bike tires and find that helmet I never wear....

1 comment:

  1. As of right now, your side bar says you have 8 hours and 42 minutes until your are going to do awesome!!! Enjoy it!! (This is really Karin again...)
