Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lamanite Cake

Today was my little brother Brian's birthday. He turned the very significant 21. But, since he is in Spain serving his mission, we are not able to celebrate together. Give me a big "Awwhhhhh!" But not to fear! Here in Sweeneyville we had cake and ice cream anyway :) And we decided to go all the way on this one- not just making your garden variety Duncan Hines with frosting- Oh no, my little friend, we made a sour cream fudge ripple cake with a Snickers bar ganache. (Mostly just so we could say the word ganache over and over...) I did a little research online as to the secret recipe for the chocolate sauce they use on the dessert ravioli at Macaroni Grill (which is pretty much the most amazing dessert ever) and it turns out that it is nothing more than a chocolate sauce made with half a melted Snickers bar! Who knew!? So we took the See's chocolate chips and the Snickers bar we had in the freezer and about 33,000 calories later we had "Lamanite" cake- a moniker we will now use henceforth in our house to denote anything sinful and wicked. Like this cake! (or Sharpies, daytime television, or the music of Jewel- among other things...)

1 comment:

  1. Did you save me a slice? I could use some chocolate right now...
