One of the things that I found out about Jacob very quickly when I met him was that he liked Star Trek. Not just the original series from the 60s, but also
Star Trek: Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager and Enterprise as well. He always has, always will. I filed this information about him under "Y"- as in Y does this have anything to do with me? I thought, at best, I might have to watch a few movies with him, or maybe pretend to know what a Vulcan is. Ha! Little did I know that I would have to sit through MANY movies, multiple times, in many places. I would also have deep discussions about the possibilty of time travel and warp drive. I would end up knowing not only what a Vulcan is but the difference between a Talaxian, a Cardassian and a Vedian- and I would also realize that I think Jacob himself is probably part Borg. (It really does explain a lot...) Looking back I would say that I have pretty much been an innocent bystander in all this Trekkie-ness. I certainly didn't
intend to like it, I just simply didn't resist it- and we all know what Resistance is anyway!

Additonally, for the past 4 or 5 months we have been using our Netflix account to exclusively watch the entire 7 seasons of
Star Trek: Voyager. At first I thought this was a little silly, but I now look forward to Wednesdays and weekends when our discs arrive. It is nice to watch a series in order and actually see the relationships and storyline from beginning to end. And who can argue with always having something safe and familiar to watch when all of TV land is sucking big time? Anyway, I was reading a story the other day about the Top Ten Real Life Invetions from Star Trek. (
Found here if you don't believe me) You have to admit that all these things are totally amazing- from a real cloaking device, a tractor beam and phaser guns to hyperdrive and hypospray- it's all becoming real, people! (Talk about the Nerds getting revenge!) Truly, these ideas are not just science fiction anymore. BUT, with all the cool stuff that is coming to pass from the shows, the ONE that is hands-down the coolest thing from Star Trek is: The Holodeck. (
And apparently even this is on its way) The holodeck is an on-deck grid where you can, through holographic programs and interfaces, be anywhere, experience anything, meet anyone, etc.

You know all those episodes of Star Trek where they are back fighting the Nazis or solving a mystery as Sherlock Holmes or in some other completely preposterous situation? Yeah, that is made possible by the holodeck. And the best part is that anyone can write different 'programs' for the Holodeck. So I could write a program that simulates standing on the top of Mount Everest in 80 degree weather with my deceased Great Grandma. Yup, who needs time travel when you can simply spend a day on the Holodeck? So I guess what all this boils down to is that I am finally admitting it. This whole thing about liking Star Trek is not just Jacob. I actually think I kind of like it too. There, I said it out loud. And lucky for you, there are probably many more blog posts ahead with Star Trek subject matter. (Yesssss!)

So I think it is safe to go ahead with paying the deposit on our matching Star Trek caskets. This model is called the Photon Torpedo and I think we would look smashing in these! Although, we won't be needing these for a while because we both intend to Live Long and Prosper.
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