Sunday, January 4, 2009

Write this down, take a little note

Last year at some point over the summer I read an article in Family Fun magazine about a Mom who bought a really inexpensive journal for each of her kids. She then regularly wrote in these journals all the cute and funny stories and experiences of her young children with the idea being that one day she would give these journals to them as part of their personal history. I thought this was a cute idea, so I found journals for 50 cents at Michael's (you can see how ugly they are- a chandelier on the cover? why!?) and have been writing down, on and off, for about about a year, all the little stories and facts for both Cindy and Luke. I usually only end up writing in them about once a month, at best, and usually only because they did something really funny that merited recording, but I put any little story or fact about their personality in there. Anyway, I only have about 20 pages filled for each of them, but already I look back through the pages and read stories I definitely would have forgotten. Things like the day Luke smacked my mom in the face during the closing prayer in Gospel Doctrine class (on accident) and everyone heard it, or how Cindy calls the hand brakes on a bicycle "crunchers", or how she asked me "When there are no clouds in the sky, where does Jesus lay down?" or when Luke brought me a handful of the contents of his diaper (if you know what I mean) saying "Ewwwwww!" the whole time. Good times. These stories must be preserved!

And since this blog serves as part Journal for me, I have to document the fact that I finally stopped calling and bugging my brother, Chris, and manned up and took Cindy to the doctor for her cough. Mr. Snow gave Cindy an inhaler because she was wheezing and she has been using it for about a week now. It is the best because it totally worked to clear her night time cough. I would not have believed it, but it's amazing! Acutally the amazing part is that Cindy will even use the inhaler. I thought she would run screaming into the night, but she actually looks forward to it and loves showing me how good she is at blowing out all her air and then sucking in again. (On a side note, what really sent Cindy screaming into the night was the nurse asking her to change into the paper gown at the doctor's office. Let's just say that Cindy does not DO the paper gown thing. Hmmm, I don't think I have written that down in her journal yet- better get on that tonight...)

1 comment:

  1. I was just at the bookstore searching out journals today for this very purpose!
