Friday, December 19, 2008

If there is ONE thing I am good at, it is....

Growing a broccoli! I am not sure why, but for some reason these things really like my garden soil and have turned great out every winter since I moved here. So here is this year's crop. The brussel sprouts are gonna need some more time to hopefully grow in the cool weather they need- which we have not had yet.

The snow and sugar snap peas must have really liked the fertilizer I put on them because they have shot up pretty well onto the tomato cages in just the past week. Those will be yummy.

Luke still calls all fruit and garen fare "Apple!!"

I suppose my lone tomato is the closest thing to that...

Sure doesn't measure up to that cabbage I grew last year, though. (Totally kidding, of course! This was somewhere over in England. It still boggles the mind that a tiny seed can make something that big. Astounding!)

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