When Jacob and I got married, we received a rice cooker as one of our gifts. I thought this was a peculiar contraption, I mean, didn't we all already have rice cookers in our kitchen? Weren't they just called saucepans? My mom never had a rice cooker, so I just thought it was weird that they would make an entire appliance dedicated to only cooking rice. Well, now that I have used that rice cooker for over 7 years to make tons of rice, and now that as of last week my rice cooker bit the dust and I have been forced to revert to the saucepan method, I can honestly say, "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD AND HOLY, GIVE ME BACK MY RICE COOKER!!!" I have unsuccessfully attempted to make rice twice without it and both times have produced a very crunchy, disgusting mass of starch. Luckily one of those times it was for the missionaries (for which I apologized profusely, I don't even want to know if they ate it). So what is the deal with rice, anyway? I mean, in the rice cooker it is equal parts water and rice and press the button. I thought that was the same way in the saucepan, but apparently not. I don't even have the bag to instruct me, as all my rice is from the storehouse and has been dumped into a tupperware container in my pantry. The moral of the story: one trick pony appliances are amazing! I am currently working on acquiring the mini frying pan that lets you fry one egg at a time (how did they acquire this technology so soon???) and the As Seen on TV Mushroom Xpress. Yeah, Google it and tell me you don't want one too, okay?
Sauce pan method - TWO PARTS WATER, ONE PART RICE!!!
I've seen that egg pan! I want it because it's so CUTE!!!
p.s. the counter on your 30th birthday is a bit disturbing (mostly because I'm coming up on the same thing)... I feel like I'm watching the seconds of your life tick by!
My tip to you is to try asian rice. It is highly superior, though, unfortunately, not available at the storehouse... My favorite brand is Calrose.
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