This little Pothos vine started creeping out of the disgusting plant jungle by my front door and is now making its way up the house. On the one hand it is totally creeping me out, but on the other hand I secretly want to see if it can reach the roof.
Let's hope Jacob doesn't obliterate it before I found out! Film at 11.
too bad I read this blog...hehehe
Just wanted you to know that Uncle Kurt and Aunt Lori Sweeney are regular readers of this blog, thanks to Karl emailing us the link. And we're using your jokes to impress our friends. They think we're pretty clever...and we're not sharing the real source lest they find out we're not. Also, no way you guys are approaching 30! No, I still see Jake riding his Big Wheel next to the house in Irving. And besides, we're still 29!
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