Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Have You Ever Noticed...?
That any time you watch a show where some poor slob gets a makeover, they always get made over to have straight hair and they NEVER give them a curly hairstyle?? I say this because I am in desperate need of a new hairstyle, but, Alas! I have curly hair- and no one seems to have a good style for curly hair. (Unless they want me to wear it like Syesha from American Idol or Chad on High School Musical--> Exhibits A and B. Yeah, I have curls, but not like that.) So anytime I watch a show where someone with curly hair gets a makeover, I think, Great! Let's see what they do with the curly hair and BAM! Everytime it comes out straightened. This does not work for me. So if you have seen any realistic curly hair hairstyles or know of some magical hair accessories that help with making curly hair look controlled and pulled back from their face- (with volume :) let me know. Thanks.
I am SOOO jealous that you actually still have your curls! I lost most of mine thanks to pregnancy horemones. Now it's just frizzy semi-straight but not straight hair.