Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Fall Garden

I have been waiting for the heat to subside just a hint before I started planting my fall garden. So yesterday I finally got the first of the starts in the ground. I have broccoli and brussel sprouts in now.

My pumpkins are coming along pretty good, however, Karen at Peterson's Nursery tells me that I am going to have to "hand-pollinate" them. On account of the dwindling bee population and all... I since have been researching on the internet about doing this and it is a little creepy in a weird sort of mother-nature kind of way.

Anyhow, the kids dug giant holes in the other garden bed while I was hard at work and pretty much were totally disgusting by the end.

So afterward I turned on the sprinkler and let them frolic and cavort, much to their heart's delight. I love October in Florida!


  1. It has been so cold here! I am completely jealous of your warm weather and fall garden. My garden got covered in snow last weekend! :)

    Your kiddos are so cute! Luke looks JUST LIKE Sean when I first met him. Say hi to the Sweeney fam for me! I miss them!

  2. Looks like fun!! Hey and tell C.J. I am happy she is putting those shoes to good use!! :) Love you guys
