So Cindy was going to have a magical week. We just went and met her preschool teacher this morning, and Mrs. Kristie is like Mary Poppins- practically perfect in every way. She is thin, blonde, smiling, kind- Cindy gave her a hug when we left- I thought a bird would come in and land on her finger to sing a duet. Cindy was on cloud nine. Then, I get home and find out that the school board has cancelled school tomorrow AND Wednesday because of this tropical storm/would-be hurricane Fay. Aye carumba! Try explaining that one to Cindy. So I told her that a storm was coming and they wanted everyone to stay home and be safe- she was not amused. She was close to tears but held it together and we then made an exciting trip to Wal-mart to pick out her new backpack. (Consquently, there was not a gallon of water to be found in that entire store...but I digress) She chose the Barbie backpack and it is "SOOO beautiful". That made things a little better. So anyways, now I am thinking about all the things I can do the next two days. With Daddy home for these next two days too, maybe I can finally get that bathroom painted! Or gather more stuff for my next yard sale! Or sew pajama pants for my whole family! Or finally write that symphony! Or get that tattoo I have been wanting! The options are limitless!!!! As you can tell, I am not so worried about the actual storm. We usually don't get much action here other than wind and rain and even then, it usually isn't so bad because we are in the interior. I also have a generator, gas, water, and some random food storage, so if worse comes to worse, I will still have a little bit of power, a way to get around and will have a lovely dinner of pringles, stove-top stuffing and mayonaise.
you don't write symphonies! but i can't wait to see that tatoo - that's my vote.
ReplyDeleteYour posts always make me laugh. Hurrah for original humor!