Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alert the Media! I have made Pants!

This project was really just an afterthought. After buying a pattern on eBay for $5, It took only one day and one call to my mom and Voila! I had made the shiny Hello Kitty pants I could only have dreamed of. So now that I can sew these with ease, I think I will make a few more pairs, as Cindy has the HARDEST time keeping track of her pajamas. And also shoes. Oh, and also panties. And jewelry too. And hair clippies. Hmmm, I seem to be detecting a pattern....


  1. Those are adorable! What kind of fabric is that? Swish-pants fabric?

  2. I just read Top Ten ways to Use Some Form of the word Blog in a Sentence. It's blogerific.
