Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Spaghetti for Dinner!!!

So if you are familiar with Hurricane tracking, (and hey, who isn't? Am I right?) you are familiar with the term "spaghetti model" which is picture of all the different predicted paths of a Hurricane. I just pulled up this latest spaghetti model for Hurricane Gustav off of the Drudge Report website, a site I read everyday. So as you can see, the different colors represent all the different computer models and what they each are predicting for the path of the storm. The models are all done by different weather organizations and atmospheric think tanks and they are pretty much all in consensus, but notice the very light blue path closest to Florida. This must be the path generated by the very sophisticated Stevie Wonder Hurricane computer model. Seriously, what is going on there? It is not even close to the other predicted tracks. All the other tracks are laughing at this poor guy! Furthermore, if you click on that picture and read the fine print/legal mumbo jumbo at the bottom of the graph, it states "If anything on this graphic causes confusion, ignore the entire product." Oh, these guys are killing me! It's like they knew I needed a good laugh today. Anyway, looks like Florida is safe, for now. Just wanted to share with you from the wacky world of Hurricane Prediction and Graphic Design. Now if we could just get them to change some of these Hurricane names....

1 comment:


    Oh, the good ol' days.
