Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Well It's About Time!

Summer in Florida is the "rainy season"- or so it is supposed to be. Right here in the interior section of the state is the hot zone- the sweet spot where the eastern and western seabreezes collide each afternoon to produce torrential downpours and keep everything nice and green. It seems we are being punished as of late, however, because for the last 4 days we have literally watched the thunderclouds part around our house and drift off to drench the subdivision down the street. But yesterday we finally got the free water we were hoping for- and Luke got to experience his first thunderstorm. Cindy of course was in her bathing suit by the time I looked out the window and said "I think it might..." They had a great time running in the driveway, splashing and Luke was fascinated by the thunder, which he could never quite find the source of.

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of funny to me to think that you have the option to count on the rain. Here in St. George, we get rain probably once every 2 months, and usually only for a half hour or so. I wish we could attempt a garden here, but everything just fries! You're so lucky!
