I decided that it was high time that Cindy jumped off a real diving board. In her short 8 years on this planet she had yet to do so, and seeing as how she really is part mermaid, it seemed a little wrong. On Thursday we headed to a local rec center to remedy this sad situation. To be honest, I didn't know what to expect. Cindy can sometimes be incredibly brave and yet other times she has the courage of a hamster. (And not the ones in the Zhu Zhu pets "Quest for Zhu" movie. Those things were incredibly intrepid!)
Back to my story. Cindy was a champ and went off the board without fear!

Camera phone pictures. Sigh. Not the best in the world, but better than me trying to draw this from memory in Microsoft Paint. (Or is it????)
She caught on really fast and was a diving maniac!
Luke was unfortunately not allowed to jump off the board. Non-swimmers are shunned from partaking in its glories. I told him that after Aunt Linnley teaches him how to swim in Utah in a few weeks, we would come back. No pressure, Linn.

Eventually Cindy started doing dives and front flips. I was a little worried when her rotation got a little slower each time, but thankfully she never fully experienced a full back flop.
Then it was my turn to dive....
It had been a while, but as you can see, my form was still amazing! My 1 1/2 backward with a half twist totally impressed all the little kids in line behind me. Okay, all kidding aside, yes I DID go off the diving board. 4 times. (Twice for pure height, once for a toe touch, and once to see if I could do a dive and then catch my sinking headband with my hand-like toes.) And secretly I kinda liked being the oldest person in the diving board line by at least 20 years. It gives ample time for stimulating conversation about SpongeBob Squarepants.