Alright, we are almost to Christmas! But tomorrow will be interrupted with a year-end post that I have been dying to publish. Hopefully it will accidentally push lots of readers to my blog and help us all make better decisions. Tah tah for now!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
It's Bouncerrific!
Alright, we are almost to Christmas! But tomorrow will be interrupted with a year-end post that I have been dying to publish. Hopefully it will accidentally push lots of readers to my blog and help us all make better decisions. Tah tah for now!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Cindy J. Sweeney: Toothless Wonder
Well, it finally happened. Cindy's tooth that became loose back sometime in November is finally out! It was hanging on by a thread yesterday afternoon, and since we were all headed out to the Temple and the kids were staying with a sitter all night (and I did NOT want to miss this moment), Jacob decided "just to look at it" and whattayaknow! It came right out :) She was a little disturbed by the blood and the wierd-feeling hole it left, but she returned to normal (her version) pretty soon after. She spent the night at Grandma's with her cousin's last night, so the Tooth Fairy will have to visit tonight. Although, I have a feeling the Tooth Fairy is fresh out of cash, and might just have to leave her an expired box of off-brand stuffing mix. Which is WAY better than a dollar if you ask me...
And coincidentally, that tooth is first one she got as a baby. Amazing how that works!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Just a Little Bit
For starters, two Fridays ago when Brian and Kelly got here we went camping! My children have never slept overnight in a tent and it was time to remedy the situation. I am such a good mom. Actually, it's the grandparents that are so good. My mom and dad got everything reserved, set up, taken care of- it was great. We just spend one night down in Ft. Meade, so we weren't exactly summiting Kilimanjaro, but we did get to play on a playground, throw stuff in the peace river, have an awesome fire, eat hobo dinners, make smores and hot dogs, do lots of singing, go on a nighttime hike, freeze to death because the low was 55 that night (okay, I am a giant wuss), and take my niece to the bathroom at 3:45am on account of her bladder that is apparently the size of a walnut. (I love Ana, but she goes to the bathroom every 7 minutes I think). Oh and of course we had the awesome the opportunity to absolutely get soaked Saturday morning because it poured until noon. :( But we still had fun and all the cousins realized that Kelly is the best Aunt ever because she literally knows about a eleventy bajillion campfire songs. Really. Eleventy bajillion. Just ask her- she will break into song.
Kelly and kids doing The Jellyfish song
Around the fire
Leaving the menfolk to take down tents in the rain. They really took one for the team that morning! Thanks again to Ma and Pa for making it all happen. I know all the kids had a blast :)
Let's see, I finally got a picture of Cindy and Luke in their Christmas clothes!
Luke is a stud in his tie and sweater vest combo, is he not?
There has also been some MAJOR cousin bonding for my children the past two weeks. They have gotten to see every single one of their cousins. Cindy and cousin Michelle in the water headlock.
Cindy and cousin Wyatt watching some TV.
Luke, Addie and Sadie on grandma Bingham's bed.
Sadie, Cindy and Ana enjoying some root beer floats.
Cindy, Addie and Luke with some Chick-fil-A tomfoolery.
Luke with cousins Lauren and Eryn.
Whew! As you can see, it hasn't exactly been boring around here for the past few days. Tomorrow I will hopefully post our adventures through Christmas day. Maybe...
Friday, December 24, 2010
A Christmas Riddle
Top Ten Leftover Items from Other Top Ten Lists that Never Made it to Print:
10. Sabre-toothed Nutcracker
9. Pupperoni
8. Build your own water heater
7. The Horcrux and The Ivy
6. The Little Engine that Could but who Flat Out Refused
5. Whack-an-elf
4. Pin the Tail on the Dementor
3.Cream of Stocking
2. Reindeer Spit
1. Shower Toaster
Boy that was the easiest list I ever wrote! Hope all of you are enjoying your Christmas break. I have 19 relatives in town (all siblings from both sides of our family) and it is pretty much non-stop options for fun and activities. Too many good things to choose from. But what kind of loser complains about that? Not me! It's been awesome :) Bounce houses, eating, camping, swimming, kickball, eating, shopping, Balderdash, eating, the park, Xbox Kinect, eating, sibling hijinx- it has been some GOOD TIMES :) Can't wait to write up some of the highlights and add some pictures up in here again! That may be the one downfall of Top Ten Lists. And I do mean one...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Day 11
Top Ten Most Surprising Ingredients in My Fruitcake:
10. Keopectate
9. WD-40
8. A shredded dryer sheet
7. Half of a Charelston Chew candy bar
6. Bowtie pasta
5. 6 drops of original Polo cologne
4. A cat's eye marble
3. Cilantro
2. 2 Beggin' Strips
1. Anger
I told you it was surprising! (P.S. A big thank you to my family who wrote this list together in a mere 5 minutes at the end of tonight's dinner. Boo-yah!)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Day 10
10. Substitute troll
9. Shetland pony jockey
1. Squirrel Wrastler
Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 9
Top Ten Alternatives for a Lump of Coal:
10. A giant pile of staples
9. A half-eaten Mentos
8. Baggie full of cat sand
7. Half gallon of outdated cough syrup
6. Tub of dried up spackle
5. Jewel's Greatest Hits
4. 13 pounds of hair clippings from The Cuttin' Corral
3. Lifetime supply of lake trout
2. Autograhped 5X7 of Nancy Pelosi
1. Giant rusted lawn dart
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Day 8
10. You were voted "Most Likely to Steal Christmas" your senior year in High School
9. You have a friend born on Dec. 25th and ever year for his birthday you punch him in the face
8. You joined the Facebook group "I bet we can find 1,000,000 people who hate Christmas"
7. Inside your Christmas cards is a petition to end Christmas
6. You named your two cats "Christmas" and "Sucks"
5. You have an "I hate Christmas" bumper sticker on your car
4. Your one phone call from prison is to your state Senator asking him to pass a bill outlawing Christmas
3. Everyone on your block refers to you as "that creepy loser who hates Christmas"
2. You have a BS degree in "Christmas Hate Studies"
1. Your mail is addressed to Mrs. Ima Scrooge
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Day 7
Top Ten Other Things Stolen by The Grinch:
10. A 1988 Civic
9. The identity of LifeLock CEO Todd Davis
8. 13 staplers from the supply closet during the office Christmas Party
7. The bacon (who knew?!)
6. The parmesan shaker off table 6 at the Bartow Pizza Hut
5. His best friend's girl
4. The secret recipe for the perfect Orange Julius
3. East High's mascot just before Homecoming in '69
2. 33 rolls of toilet paper from Housekeeping during last year's Grinch Convention in Phoenix
1. The heart of America
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 6
10. Captain Grinch
9. Cocoa Prancers
8. Marshmallow Mangers
7. Frosted Frankenflakes with Mini-Myrhhs
6. Krunch Kringle
5. MistleToasties
4. Hollycomb
3. Honey Bunches of Elves
2. Cream of Wreath
And depending on how you behaved this year...
1. Naughty Pebbles or Nice Crispies :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Day 5
10. IRS Gift Card
9. Burlap Snuggie
8. Nancy Pelosi Makeup kit
7. The Barack Obama anything
6. Scene It? Saturday's Warrior Edition
5. Travel ShamWow
4. Slap Chop for dogs
3. Justin Bieber's Guide to Amazing Hair
2. Rattlesnake of the Month Club
1. The Ron Popeil Pocket Breadmaker
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
And for my brother?
My brother Dave and his family are moving to Augusta, Maine. No, not a typo. For a job. They leave after Christmas. Yes, Maine, really. Yes, people live there. No, he is not a lobster farmer, he will be using his newly acquired IT degree to work for the Dept. of Revenue doing techy things. Yes, Maine, really!! Anyway, as they have been online searching for homes to rent when they move there, my brother came across a website that rents cabins. He sent me the link to the BEST CABIN AD EVER. Simply click HERE, read the description at the bottom, and I triple dog dare you not to call right now and put down a deposit...
Day 4
10. Wow, this wrench is selfless!
9. A wretched bowl of Sixlets
8. Allow my finch his mouthwash
7. Help! Newt Gingrinch stole my Crispix!
6. Yodle-lay-hee-whooo!!!
5. Mow the grass stalks sideways
4. Oh my poor meniscus!
3. Drink your lousy Swiss Miss
2. Cows just love my Mom's bold Chex Mix
1. And now I'll prowl around pantsless
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Day 3
10. Oh, Come All Ye Muggles
9. Here We Come Awizarding
8. Jingle Spells
7. O Little Town of Hogsmeade
6. Umbridge Roasting On An Open Fire
5. Walkin' in a Wizard Wonderland
4. Dobby the Snowman
3. Grandma Got Ran Over by a Thestral
2. Here comes Dumbledoor
1. Rudolph the Red-nosed Patronus
Monday, December 13, 2010
90 Minutes of Torture
Movie #29- Saturday's Warrior
Suggested by Myself
Okay, so this is a mormonish movie from back in the 80's. A lot of my contemporaries have seen this movie and make references to it's cheesy music and acting. Jacob even says he used to watch this as a kid as a Sunday-appropriate movie. I had never ever seen it and thought, "What the heck, let's take a look." And now I want to scratch my eyes out and scrub my brain with a Brillo pad. Why didn't anyone warn me? No, I mean, REALLY warn me???!!! What kind of friends are you?!
Saturday's Warrior
Overall: does my scale go into negative numbers? Let's say 1/10 just to keep it real
Let me just clarify that although this is a "Mormon" movie, it is not made or endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in any way. (Because if it was, I would have to go inactive. But, I digress...) I guess this was presented as a "thought-provoking" stage production by a film student or something and then it was turned into a movie in 1989. Even my own father says he saw it at BYU on stage because his roommate was in it. I am forever grateful that he somehow lived through that experience and was able to go on to have a family that included me. Really, this movie was atrocious. It was goofy, the screenplay was syrupy and over the top, and the whole concept of "finding" each other on earth to fulfill promises from the pre-existence was just killing me. I will however have to give the award for the most hard to swallow moment of the movie, to the song and dance by Jimmy's rebellious, too-cool-for-school criminal friends entitled Zero Population. You know, because when you're a teenager who likes ditching school, fast cars and drinking, you tend to also be very aware of pressing social issues like overpopulation. Especially when your own friend is singlehandedly causing the problem! Time to set that jerk straight with an in-your-face 80's dance, am I right? Oh, it was all just so torturous!!! I was thinking of giving it a 0 out of 10, but the ONE (and only) thing that saved it from a shut-out was that when anyone leaves to go to Earth, they teleport out just like on Star Trek. If I am wishing that anything out of that movie was actually true, it would be that :)
Day 2
10. Dander
9. Sloucher
8. Bulbous
7. Loafer
6. Wheezy
5. Creeper
4. Spatula
3. Felon
2. Flakey
1. Oprah
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The 12 Days of Christmas Are Here!
Top Ten Little Known Facts About The Grinch:
10. Hates Jim Carey movies
9. Thinks Theodore Geisel is a real doctor
8. Often mistaken for the Stanford Tree mascot
7. He really wanted to steal Halloween but Nancy Pelosi beat him to it
6. His spleen and pituitary gland are also 3 sizes too small
5. His pancreas is 4 sizes too big
4. Combs his hair way forward to hide his hideous bald spot
3. Encourages Max to drink from the toilet
2. Hates the way he looks in jeans
1. He's Team Jacob
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Tangled Webs We Weave
Suggested by Sweeneyville reader Maggie Hsu

Overall: 6/10
Deductions: David Bowie, David Bowie's singing, David Bowie's clothes, puppets
Bonus Points: still thinking...
So the background on this movie for me is that I have seen bits and pieces of it and always thought it was just really creepy. Tons of people I know "used to watch this when they were kids" but I never saw it or ever wanted to. Maybe it's a Bingham thing because none of my siblings like this movie either. In fact, my brother Dave, says, and I quote "Each time you watch this movie, it takes 5 years off your life." It just looks utterly strange and scary. I mean, it has funky goblin puppets, crazy music, a baby that has been kidnapped!!! And could David Bowie look any more spooky? He looks spooky without makeup, so with his crazy get-up it's even worse. Not a David Bowie music fan either. Never have been. So the fact that there are songs and he sings them!!! was a little bit torturous. However, I will say I understand the attraction to the idea of the movie. A fantasy film where you have to navigate a strange labyrinth with riddles, adventures, and interesting creatures is a good start. But I found Sarah's character annoying and I still don't understand why in the end all the characters came to life and they had a party in her room. Wasn't her mom saying she was old enough to date? But yet she still has stuffed animals and sees imaginary friends. I did notice that maybe JK Rowling took a little inspiration from this movie, though. 1. Sarah accidentally calls Hoggle "Hogwart." 2. The name "Ludo" is used in both stories and 3. The final task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament was a Labyrinth of sorts, was it not? Hmmmm.... So there you go, Maggie. I watched it. And lived to tell about it :) I still don't judge anyone who likes it, but it's just not my cup of cocoa.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Suggested by Sweeneyville reader Chris Bingham

The Spanish Prisoner
Overall: 7.5/10
Deductions: 90's fashion!
Bonus Points: music done by the same guy that did Twilight (he loves his clarinet and drums!)
So this was billed as a really good con movie and so in the spirit of The Sting, I was game to check it out. Well, it was a con movie alright, but overall it fell a little flat for me. I found it a little weird and anti-climatic at the end. I mean, if you are like me when watching a con movie, you assume from the get go that EVERYONE is some sort of double crossing secret agent. So for me, movies of this type really have to go above and beyond and take some really interesting twists to avoid me lumping it into the "you've seen one you've seen them all" category. The big "gotcha!" moment at the end has to be pretty darn surprising. Don't get me wrong, the story was good. I liked the actors. But the dialogue and behavior of everyone was a little odd to me. The style of the movie was to not explain everything until the very end (you hope). But I didn't really get the answers to my questions, which was frustrating. Steve Martin was okay in this dramatic role, but it wasn't him being serious that was hard to buy, it was him being evil. He is almost just too likable to pull it off. So overall, it wasn't horrible but it definitely didn't blow me away. And that is my professional opinion. Do you concur?
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Luke Quickie
P.S. Today I pick up a new movie from the library and get one in the mail from Netflix, which means that by Saturday, the last four movies will be watched, blogged and in the history books!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Time for Disney! Who's Excited?
This is definitely one of the Top 5 pictures of Luke I have ever taken....
Well, I wasn't kidding when I said it's December and here is your proof: Disney! For the past 2 years I have taken Cindy to Disney World at Christmastime. I usually go the first week of December before the crowds get real crazy, but about 2 weeks ago DeAnne told me there was a church member (who works for Disney) that offered her some free tickets to go on Friday, December 3rd and be part of the audience for the filming of the ABC Christmas Day Parade. Getting in FREE to Disney? Who says no to that, right? So this time I got to take Luke and Cindy and DeAnne! It was fabulous :) Luke is getting to be the age of Cindy the first year I took her and there is NOTHING like taking a child to Disney and watching their excitement at seeing their favorite characters and places in real life. It is entirely priceless :) A quick rundown of the day:
We reported to Disney right at 9am as requested. When we got there there was a crowd forming down Main Street to watch the parade and then a large audience was pooling right at the base of Cinderella's castle. They were beginning a dress rehearsal of a stage appearance by Mariah Carey. She was not there yet however (and I am not sure if she ever finally showed up) so they had this really creepy stagehand guy be her stand-in.
After about 3 times watching this rehearsal (and you can see just how good our view as anyway, we all decided that being in the audience and watching the parade was going to be long and lame. So we ditched and headed for a regular day of rides, food and fun :)
And when you get there right at opening time, there aren't really any lines for anything. Let the good times roll!
More Teacups!
International Raceway!
Even though we ditched the actual filming of the big parade, we did get to see parts of it coming down the street as each piece marched to Main Street to film their particular part. We did happen upon Lightning McQueen driving down the road!
And wonder of wonders we got to see and talk to Rapunzel and Flynn Rider! I actually took this picture at the exact moment that Flynn pointed to Luke and said, "Oh, It's Prince Charming!!" (because his shirt said "Prince Charming" across the front) To which Rapunzel sweetly said, "Oh, he looks just like him!" You could do a meet and greet with them in the park, however the wait was 75 minutes and I decided this encounter was perfectly sufficient ;)
DeAnne left with Luke at about 2pm. He was getting tired and she had to be back in town to fulfill her churchy opportunities, so after grabbing some corn dog nuggets and chocolate milk they headed out. I definitely need to take him back for his birthday. He loved every minute of it. We rode the train around the park and he kept telling me "I just know that Thomas is pulling us!" Oh, so cute!
So as Cindy and I stayed behind, we added a few new experiences to our Disney repertoire this year, one being the Haunted Mansion (which we did with Luke earlier and it was a HORRIBLE experience for both my children. Scared the living tar out of both of them) and the other was the blue PeopleMover that takes you around Tomorrow Land. Cindy and I rode this about 5 times because she just thought it was the best "ride" ever. I liked it because my poor aching feet could take a much needed rest :)
Oh and the other new thing we tried was riding the old time Steamboat, the Southern Belle. Cindy was in love with this thing! I stayed in one spot while she ran up and down the stairs and all over the place on this boat. I didn't think she would like it that much, but she had an amazing time!
And actually THIS was the best new thing we tried: Funnel Cakes and Mickey Mouse shaped waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. I dare you NOT to eat this when it is sundown, getting a little chilly, you haven't eaten in a while and you smell it being cooked from 2 miles away. Impossible to resist! And Disney makes a mean Funnel Cake, I must say. HEAVEN!
In the past when I have taken Cindy to Disney we have done multiple parks and fireworks, etc. but this time it was just Magic Kingdom and not even any fireworks. And you know what? It was just as good! We stayed to see Cinderella's castle be lit with Christmas lights and by the time that was over we were good and tired :) It really was a perfect day. Great weather, hardly any crowds, so much fun with BOTH my kids- I couldn't ask for anything more! A huge Thank You to St. DeAnne for scoring the tickets and coming all the way with us :) Until next year! Or April, as the case may be...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Better Off Having Watched This
Suggested by Sweeneyville reader Lana Dahle

Better of Dead
Overall: 8/10
Deductions: Who names their child Badger? His mom totally stole my idea of giving TV Dinners for Christmas gifts- Ugh!
Bonus Points: Winchester! DOTTIE!
I remember as a teenager that many, many of my friends had seen this movie and I never had. So when it was suggested to watch this movie for this project, I was not going to let the moment pass me by. So glad I didn't because this movie was a glorious combination of all things utterly bizarre and funny. I read the synopsis of the movie and thought the movie was going to be all about suicide and then turn into some sort of Weekend at Bernie's-type fiasco. I was not impressed by the prospect. But after about 30 minutes I realized it was more like a Napoleon Dynamite and I was totally laughing at the spectacle before me. First of all, I loved that he was trying out for the High School Ski team. It's always basketball or football with movies like this, so skiing was a refreshing change. Secondly, his mother was a joy to behold. Oh, if only we had characters like this in movies today! Her random cooking escapades and especially the reindeer outfit on Christmas morning were absolutely priceless. Of course he does kinda try to kill himself a few times, but even that manages to be hilarious. (It's not creepy. If you see it, you will know what I am talking about.) There is too much more to list of classic moments from this movie, so you will just have to see it sometime. Bizarre? Yes. Entertaining? Yes. Best movie ever made and worthy of an Oscar? Not even close. But if you have a spare 97 minutes, take a look :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
1 Movie for 1 Sister
Suggested by Sweeneyville reader Kelly Bingham

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Overall: 8/10
Bonus Points: Salutation of "Good day, backwoodsman!" was a classic, grown men in full-body red underwear (complete with button-up rear compartment)= Awesomeness
Deductions: Adam's mustache gave him a classic Joker-esque look that was very distracting and he was a giant of a man, was he not? And of all the last names in all the world, it had to be "Pontipee"? Really?
Wow, this movie was very entertaining but kinda ridiculous at the same time. I sort of knew the plotline going in, but it was much more fun that I had planned on. First off, this guy getting married in one day puts all the plotlines in my Jane Austen movies to shame. I mean, he sings "Bless your beautiful hide!" (Oh, the romance!) and then proposes 5 minutes later. And she says yes. Ha! It's like a BYU microcosm or something. Anyway, the barn raising scene was by far the best part. Cindy was watching it and trying to copy the dancing. And when the rival men from town were "accidentally" hurting the Pontipee brothers so they could win the contest, both my children were rolling with laughter. They are suckers for slapstick physical comedy, what can I say? Overall it had funny dialogue, the songs had clever lyrics (my favorite being "You can't make no vows to a herd of cows") and it was kinda cute how it ended. If you like musicals and haven't seen this one, put it on your list. Most musicals from the 50's are worth seeing. Do it for nostalgia's sake if nothing else.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
2 More Movies, Order UP!
Movie #22- Tangled in 3D
Suggested by Sweeneyville contributor Cindy Sweeney
Tangled in 3D
Overall: 9/10
Bonus Points: Long hair actually serves a purpose, great songs, Chuck!
Deductions: Hopefully Cindy does not get any ideas about growing her hair that long
I didn't plan on seeing this in 3D. I am not really a fan of the technology nor do I care to spend my life savings on one flick. However, the other movie times didn't work out for me, so Cindy and I threw caution to the wind and upgraded. My verdict on that is as it was before: unless you are seeing something made for 3d (i.e. Avatar) then it is not worth the price. I was not overwhelmed. BUT, the movie itself was fantastic. Super cute, great music, good story line, likable characters- Cindy was sucked in the entire time. She was even actually biting her nails the last 30 minutes or so. It was almost as fun to watch her as it was the movie! So if you have little girls, this is a great Mother/Daughter activity. But skip the 3D, not neccesary in my opinion :)
Movie #23- The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982)
Suggested by Sweeneyville reader DeAnne Sweeney

The Scarlet Pimpernel
Overall: 8/10
Bonus Points: Gandalf! Luke was entranced by the sword fight toward the end
Deductions: Pretty sure Jane Seymour's hair was defying several laws of gravity and physics
After watching this for a few minutes, I think I remember knowing of this movie. Especially after Sir Percy says his trademark "Sink Me!" a few times. This was a very enjoyable movie. Sir Percy's character is flamboyant, goofy and very entertaining. And seeing Ian McKellen so young was pretty cool! I have never seen him in anything besides Lord of the Rings. I will say the one drawback was trying to remember all the characters and their French names. I was having a hard time trying to figure out who was related, who was a good guy and who was not. But a fun movie, nonetheless. Will the Scarelet Pimpernel escape? Can he stay one step ahead of the Frenchies? You will just have to find out for yourself!