So I decided to go there this past weekend. Actually, we bought some new speakers for our DJ business off eBay and they were in Chattanooga, TN. However, we made a deal with the seller to meet just before Atlanta so I would not have to be in a car for eleventy twelve hours at a time. Bless hid name to the third generation for making that concession. Anyway, my mom came with and we had a good time in the car for 16 hours. Mom is a great co-pilot. If you ever need to take someone along on a road trip, take her. Here is why: 1. She brings
great traveling snacks. 2. She is good at reading mapquest printout directions. 3. She is up for adventure and doesn't criticize you too much when you choose the absolute smelliest and most disgusting "Stuckey's" in all of southern Georgia to stop for gas. Seriously, I must have radar for that-
never trust me to choose the gas station. But we had some good times. We stopped in Tifton at the Adcock Pecan factory world outlet cafe gift shop place-thing and loaded up on our Georgia booty. For me, it was Candied Pecans, Dark Chocolate Covered Pecans, Roasted Pecan Syrup (did i ever tell you that I LOVE pecans?) and a basket of Peaches for Jacob. AND best of all I got some sweet postcards. I can't wait to send
anything that says Okeefenokee on it! For mom it was some peaches, some quirky BBQ sauce for my Dad (who is a collector of BBQ sauce bottles and the like) and of course postcards. She put me to shame by buying 20- mostly for my dad's stockpile he keeps year round. And best of all we stopped in Valdosta, GA to have dinner with my brother Dave and Misty and Addie. I only took one picture on the whole trip and here it is:

Oh man, that girl is soooo cute! We only stayed an hour or so, I had to make it back to the Stake Center in Lakeland by 10pm, where Jacob was DJing the stake dance and awaiting my arrival. We pulled in there at 9:56pm- what timing! And then Jacob hooked up the speakers into his current DJ system and blew everyone's eardrums to absolute smithereens. Besides the day he married me, I am pretty sure it was the happiest moment of his life :)
Thanks again for going with me, Mom. You are the best!
Love it!! so cute and glad you all had so much Fun!!
I love reading your adventures. And that girl is DARLING!
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