Seeing as how I watched
Casablanca and listened to
War of the Worlds as two of my experiences this year, I knew I needed to read a book too. I was just really torn on
what to read. I mean, the proper, cultured side of me thought I should read a classic. Something long and boring and the punchline of a joke, like
Crime and Punishment or
War and Peace. But then I remembered this list is supposed to be FUN, darnit! So I decided to turn to a new classic. I have never ever read an entire Harry Potter book. I tried once a long time ago to read the first one, but I got sidetracked and basically just decided I would watch the movies to get all caught up. But that didn't happen either. Besides, I already have books 1-3, courtesy of my parents who lent them to me ions ago. (I know they are reading this and saying to themselves "We lent her the Harry Potter books?? Yup, you did.) So this past weekend, I hunkered down and read vol. 1,
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. (P.S. Yet another great reason to choose this book: it's short. After 4
Twilight novels, this was like reading a pamphlet.) Now, I have seen the movie many times. In fact, it's one of my favorites. But some things were still a little confusing to me, I have to admit. Probably because I fall asleep by the end of any movie I ever watch, and that has possibly happened once or twice during this one. However, the book has cleared a lot of things up for me! I finally feel like I understand the plot of this book now. Like Voldemort and why he was after the stone, why Snape was actually innocent, and that Dumbledoor is actually a little more loopy than the movie makes him out to be. And Holy Hermione! I even think I sort of understand the rules of Quidditch :) It really was an enjoyable read. It was funny, imaginative and used big words that an adult like me needs to encounter now and again. Anyway, faster than the Golden Snitch I am on to book 2 before I forget everything I just read. What a Muggle I've been!
1 comment:
You have to read them all!!!
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